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Dale Hauser Reelected To Albanite Presidency

Eldon Watanabe  |  July 24th 2461  |  The Way

For the fifth straight year, Dale Hauser was re-elected to the Presidency of Nova Albany with 98.33% of the overall vote, following his Ricci-based re-appointment to the board of Lugus, the country’s nationalized media empire, one week ago. His closest rival, Tier VII executive and entrepreneur Douglas Schiffer, received 0% of votes among the leading bodies, and 1.67% of the vote among citizens as a whole. Unlike the democratic vote for the presidency, the Chairmanship of Lugus is determined by the Ricci Equation, which measures personal and corporate wealth, influence, and other factors to determine the most “successful” citizen of the nation. In Albanite culture, it is considered a grave insult to vote for a candidate in the Presidential election who has not been already chosen by the equation.


For it’s workforce, Nova Albany makes heavy use of the alien population of the Ring Isles. Sometimes known as the “ghetto isles,” these communities are notable for their high living standards despite housing a population consisting of 100% non-citizens. Islanders are not allowed to vote, but polling of these communities is conducted year-round, due to their status as the primary pool from which new citizens are culled. Isle polling skewed heavily in Schiffer’s favor this year, with Cort-Singer reporting 61% in favor of Schiffer. Masters reported 59.2%. Alliousent reported a remarkable 79.9%. Alliousent’s numbers line up surprisingly closely with reports made in the last year by the Oddfellows Order; though often disputed by the islanders themselves, the order is considered the de facto mouthpiece of the Isle population. The accuracy of the Order's reports are also a common matter of dispute, but these latest numbers are giving pause to some in the current administration of Nova Albany. Schiffer’s communications director, Rebecca Nair, said “Islanders will no doubt be the focus of Hauser’s outreach efforts this year, despite his notorious anti-alien stance. Douglas Schiffer will continue to champion their cause as his success inevitably eclipses Hauser’s in the next cycle.”


This evening, Oddfellows spokesperson Trina Lane told The Way, “These ‘surprising results’ are not surprising at all. They reflect growing discontent among the Isle populace about the direction the country is going, and Hauser’s misunderstanding of the part we play in the national economy. For many of us, Schiffer represents a chance to return to previous norms.”


Leaders throughout the interstellar community were quick to congratulate Hauser, including Premier Sofia Mancuso of North Italy, United States President Robert Ishihara, and Emperor Felix I of the Roman Empire of Cornelia. “I look forward to continuing a longstanding and fruitful relationship with Chairman Hauser and his administration,” the Emperor stated in a press conference. “His fairness, understanding, and intestinal fortitude will ensure great things from him for many years to come.”




Good. Hauser has brought stability to media markets all around The Way.



I would rather someone with a little less intestinal fortitude, honestly, but it’s better than “pad my own pockets” Schiffer. Incomers have no idea how little he cares for them.



Small correction: Hauser is not anti-alien, he's anti-neocitizenry. He puts the screws to Aldous DeVol because DeVol actually allows aliens who might contribute to become citizens! Hauser wants to let islanders remain islanders in order to control his voter base; if all the isles were given the vote this past election, Schiffer would be in in a heartbeat, no matter what the Ricci equation tries to tell them. Hauser Crime Family can’t afford to have any free-thinkers vote against him.



Kerris said:

Small correction: Hauser is not anti-alien, he's anti-neocitizenry. He puts the screws to Aldous DeVol because DeVol actually allows aliens who might contribute to become citizens! Hauser wants to let islanders remain islanders in order to control his voter base; if all the isles were given the vote this past election, Schiffer would be in in a heartbeat, no matter what the Ricci equation tries to tell them. Hauser Crime Family can’t afford to have any free-thinkers vote against him.

Why do you hate poor people?



SouJourn said:

Why do you hate poor people?

Islanders aren’t poor. Mostly, they’re middle class.



I’m waiting for the next self-made man like Salvador Teller. Someone who really knows what the citizens need.



What the country really needs is Dr. Bob Dahl.

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